What is Yuzu?
It is not a lemon or an orange. The Yuzu [Yoo-zoo] is a Japanese citrus fruit which grows on the small island of Shikoku, located in the South Eastern part of Japan. Yuzu has a distinct and complex flavor. It is a NEW flavor to many people, and has a bit of Japanese kick to it.
Small Production & Artisan Made
We are a small Yuzu producer in Kito Village, Japan. We put more care and attention into our products than big manufacturers can afford. Each product is crafted handmade with traditional Japanese wood press. We have passed this knowledge over generations. Our products are all natural with no preservatives. We use very selective ingredients from the local regions. We believe “quality is more important than quantity”. You can taste this care and sensitivity with the Yuzu Passion products. The Yuzu fruit is grown from the mountainous region by Kito Village, Japan. With their four seasons, it is the optimal climate conditions to grow Yuzu fruits. Enjoy our Artisan made quality products.

October 2017:
We have got BIO (Japan Organice JAS) certification for frozen Yuzu peel and Yuzu juice! |


November 2016:
You can purchase our Yuzu marmalade and Yuzu juice at la Grande Epicerie Paris. |


October 2015:
We attended ANUGA2015 in Germany.
Thank you for coming to our booth! |


September 2012:
Our article in France
We are in the French’s food magazine. |


October 2011:
Yuzu Passion is featured Yuzu Passion is featured in the San Francisco’s 7×7 magazine. The best of the city, Sauce section: Soy Sauce( Ponzu) |

January 2011:
Our article in Los Angeles, Frontline We are in the Frontline, local Los Angels, Japanese paper. |

December 2010:
Our article in Brazil We are in the Paladar, the food and wine section of newspaper´s O Estado de S. Paulo, Brazil. |

August 2010:
Yuzu Dinner 8/27 Collaboration with Chef Philip Gelb to create Yuzu featured dinner. For this 6 course menu, Philip will create traditional and unique, using yuzu as an ingredient. Menu and details are here |

July 2010:
Corti Brothers News Letter Summer 2010 Darrell Cori, Corti Brothers writes about Yuzu Passion products. Corti Brothers,Fine Wine and Gourmet Foods Grocery Store in Sacramento, CA: Founded in 1947 by Frank Corti and his brother Gino Corti. Read the Yuzu Passion section here http://www.cortibros.biz |

June 2010:
Yuzu Gelato! Yuzu Passion collaborated with Fiorello’s Artisan Gelato and created Yuzu Gelado. Fiorello’s Artisan Gelato in San Rafael, supplier to top Bay Area restaurants and speciality stores. |

May 2010:
Yuzu Passsion Ponzu & Wasabi !
Posted by popular food blog, Umamimart. Umamimart reports and educates about all kind of foods from all over the world.


KITOMURA Co., LTD .All Rights Reserved.